Healing Rose of Light Medicine

Our Healing Rose of Light Medicine Collection is dedicated to the yet to be uncovered Healing Powers of Rose Flower, which is certainly God's Divine Gift to this world for the balanced uplift and emotional harmony in the feeling world of mankind, which is so needed at this time, as well as the mental and physical medicinal properties, which are yet to be fully discovered by today's science.
Since our work is ahead of this time on many levels of our research and developments, we have brought forth these Divinely Inspired Rose Formulations for your immediate Blessings of Emotional Peace and Balance to help support your journey through this world through the higher vibratory rates of Energy from the Higher Octaves of Light and Life's Existence and draw it here to make it your Mastery of Indestructible Divine Joy, Harmony and Peace here and now.
The tangible Presence of Emotional Harmony shall envelop you as you use these enjoyable Delights daily in your health regime and you radiate that Harmony to all you contact and wherever you move.
Stay tuned as we add more health gems to this collection over time and Dr. Light's first Course in how to achieve Mastery in Uninterrupted Harmony in your feelings and life, despite all challenges of this world.
Enjoy and Be Blessed,
Dr. Light and YES Lab Team